Contact details

12, Rue Edmond Ribouleau 79240 Largeasse - FRANCE


RCS (SIREN) : 303 953 566

Direction of publication

M. David Pe

Photo Credits

All rights reserved
Photo Credits : Monosem
Photo Credits : Adobestock et Shutterstock

Design and development

Agence 71 digital web agency
2 Grand rue - 79700 MAULEON

Website :

Site hosting


4416 Louis B.Mayer
Laval (Québec) H7P 0G1

Server hosted in France.


1. Terms of Use

This website is governed by French law. In accessing this website you agree to abide by the terms of use as shown here on the date of access.

2. Site Purpose

This website provides information on MONOSEM products and services. MONOSEM cannot guarantee that all information and news provided on this website will be up-to-date, despite its best efforts.

3.Site Accessibility

This website is an e-commerce site owned and managed by MONOSEM. The website is open to all internet users and is in principle accessible 24/7 except in the case of planned or unplanned maintenance and/or security operations by MONOSEM or its service providers or in the event of force majeure (as defined below).

MONOSEM may not be held liable for any damage of any nature due to inaccessibility of the Site. MONOSEM reserves the right to modify the Website for technical or commercial reasons. Unless such modifications substantially and negatively alter the terms for the provision of services, customers may be notified of modifications but their approval will not be sought.

Moreover, the Website has been developed to make things as easy as possible for users, whatever the medium used to access it and to make it accessible to internet users with a visual impairment or digital disability. However, MONOSEM may not be held liable for any accessibility faults in its website.

4. Respect for Intellectual Property Rights

All elements of the website, including downloadable documentation, are protected by copyright, trademark or patent. They are the exclusive property of MONOSEM. Consequently, you may not, under any circumstances, reproduce, represent, broadcast, modify, assign all or part of any of the items reproduced on the website without the prior and express consent of MONOSEM.

All usage rights are reserved. In accordance with Article L.122-4 of the Intellectual Property Code, any complete or partial performance or reproduction that is not expressly authorised, using any process whatsoever, will be deemed unlawful and an infringement of copyright subject to the penalties laid down in Articles L.335-2 et seq. of the Intellectual Property Code.

5. Links

The website may contain links to other websites. These websites are independent of MONOSEM, which neither edits nor checks the sources or content of such sites or their links to other sites.

Links to such sites do not in any way constitute approval, validation or acceptance by MONOSEM of the sites. Therefore, MONOSEM may not be held liable for the content, products, services, advertising, cookies or other features of such sites or for any actual or alleged damage or loss, caused by or arising in relation to use of the information, services or data available on these sites.

6. Liability

MONOSEM, its directors or employees may not be held liable for any damage whatsoever arising from connection to this website. MONOSEM reserves the right to modify, suspend or interrupt dissemination of all or part of this site, in particular links to other websites and/or any posted chats between visitors.

Visitors undertake not to introduce, even inadvertently, any viruses or malware of any nature likely to disrupt operation of the site. If they do, they will bear full liability. To ensure all users are treated fairly, the company will institute legal proceedings against any visitors responsible for wrongdoing.

8. Collection of statistical browsing information

MONOSEM applies the same personal data policy and cookie management policy as its parent company, John Deere. The John Deere data protection policy is accessible via the link "Data Protection" on the MONOSEM homepage.